I love how this graphic turned out. I used Terragen and some
filters in Photoshop. It is one of my favorites.
I almost have my artroom all set up now. My new Dell is just for
artwork and has all my programs on it without the ususal internet
stuff. I am the proud owner of Bryce, Poser, Photoshop in various
flavors and Paint Shop Pro in assorted versions also. I have Animation
Shop and some under the counter programs that I even forgot where
I got them from, but even the little programs have different features
that sometimes the Big Box programs don't. I use Dogwaffle and Owen
Ransens programs too along with the complete Corel Suite of bells
and whistles........
What I really need is software that adds about 8 hours to every day
so that I can totally focus on making pics that are high in quality
and not just hit and miss because of time constraints......
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