Musings and Mayhem from my Twisted Mind
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
There were bottles of booze left around by some louse.
When through the North window there came a loud yell
I sprang to my feet to see what the hell...
And what to my bloodshot eyes should I see,
But eight drunken reindeer caught up in a tree.
And there in the branches, was a man with a sleigh.
I knew it was Santa, quite tiddley and gay.
Staggering nearer those eight reindeer came,
While he belched and hiccoughed and called them by name
"On Whiskey! On Vodka! we ain't got all night,
You too, Gin and Brandy, now all do it right!
Clamber up on the roof, and get off this wall,
Get going you rummies, we've still got a long haul!"
So up on the roof went the reindeer and sleigh,
But a tree branch hit Santa before he could sway.
And then to my ears like the roll of a barrel,
A hell of a noise that was no Christmas carol.
So I pulled in my head and I cocked a sharp ear,
Down the chimney he plunged, landing smack on his rear.
He was both plump and chubby, and tried to stand right,
But he didn't fool me, he was high as a kite.
He spoke not a word but went straight to work
And missed half the stockings, the drunken old jerk.
Then putting his thumb to the end of his nose,
He fluttered his fingers as he quoted prose.
As he sprung for his sleigh at so hasty a pace,
He tripped on a shingle and he slid on his face.
But I heard him call back as he passed out of sight,
"Merry Christmas, you lushes, now really get tight!"
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Unknown Blogger
I bought and installed the New and Improved
Norton Utilities to my PC and have not been
happy with it at all.....With the old version
I could clean up files and not delete passwords
that are saved. This new version deletes whatever
it thinks is junk and that includes alot of stuff
I need, including the name and pass to this blog...
It took me 2 days to find the pass....
I have a 200 gig hard drive and man oh man, it is
Had company in from Dallas, I think they came just
for the snow and we sat up all night and drank
beer....It was big fun, and we also solved all
the worlds problems and each others too, but I
can't remember now what conclusions we came to.....