Musings and Mayhem from my Twisted Mind
Monday, July 25, 2005
Sunday, July 24, 2005

Angel of Mercy
I found the original pic while I was
surfing one day, and put it aside,
don't know who the original artist
is so I have to say here that no
copyright infringement is done on
purpose. I tweaked this in Photoshop
and added the frame. I really like how
this turned out and the whole pic
was tweaked with Magic Wand.
I love doing angels, but not the cartoon
ones. They have to look realistic and
human. There is something magical
and mystical about angels even though
I am not a practicer of any religion.
I think angels transcend religion and
dogma, they are just the highest form
of beauty and perfection.
Yes, even Lucifer was given all beauty
and power at one time if you read
your scriptures.
The best portrayal of the human form
of the angel was John Travolta in the
movie, Michael. Just magnificent with
those wings......
Friday, July 22, 2005

I love how this graphic turned out. I used Terragen and some
filters in Photoshop. It is one of my favorites.
I almost have my artroom all set up now. My new Dell is just for
artwork and has all my programs on it without the ususal internet
stuff. I am the proud owner of Bryce, Poser, Photoshop in various
flavors and Paint Shop Pro in assorted versions also. I have Animation
Shop and some under the counter programs that I even forgot where
I got them from, but even the little programs have different features
that sometimes the Big Box programs don't. I use Dogwaffle and Owen
Ransens programs too along with the complete Corel Suite of bells
and whistles........
What I really need is software that adds about 8 hours to every day
so that I can totally focus on making pics that are high in quality
and not just hit and miss because of time constraints......
Thursday, July 21, 2005

This is one of my graphics. I love this guy.
He looks so scary....A couple of people that
I showed it to said it would make a good
poster for an anti-drug campaign.But when
I made it, I was thinking of all the addictions
that a human can have, and drugs are only one
small aspect of what a man and woman can be
addicted to.
I love dark art, some say they don'tunderstand it.
I think that every human has this dark spot way
down inside of them that loves to be expressed......
That is my job.